Thirty four Spartans were built and twenty have survived. Fifteen of the survivors are in the US and five are in Europe. Of the fifteen US survivors, some do not fly, some fly infrequently and a few fly on a regular basis. The fifteen US survivors are spread across the country from Pennsylvania to Texas to Washington to Southern California.
If you want to actually see a Spartan, where do you go? Oshkosh, of course. Although there have been a few Oshkosh shows in recent years when no Spartans were on display, it is normal to see one or two of these rare beauties. If you really get lucky and attend in a good year, you may even see three or more.
The following pictures show some of the Spartans flown to Oshkosh in recent years
This Spartan is on display at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh
This is a Spartan Model 12 with a nose wheel and not a classic 7W